MLS update for South Florida agents. Mac and PC integration plus full size listing photos are just a few of the updates that are on the horizon. This MLS update is provided by FlexMLS. An FBS company. Real Estate agents and brokers in south florida currently use mlxchange as a provider for MLS data. mlxchange has served it's purpose and was a huge advancement for agents. Time and technology has passed and it's about time for some updating. Enter, FLexMLS. One of the biggest changes in my opinion is that listings now have unlimited photo count, size and quantity. This is huge.
Old MLS image size.
The two examples above are photographed by myself. A professional Photographer. Imagine you are a buyer, viewing a large properly photographed interior makes all the difference. Even small well shot photos look wonderful. A poorly taken photo increased to the upcoming FLexMLS size will only accentuate it's poor quality.
As the listing agent, it is your job to present a sellers home in the best light possible. This is marketing 101. I'm not touting any pearls of wisdom. Agents aren't going to be able to get away with the standard point and shoot uneven photos in MLS. We all know that in the sales business how we present ourselves, i.e. dress, talk, walk, and conduct business has a major impact on the success of a sales person. Properly photographed listings is going to be the difference between selling a home and making a client happy while growing your real estate business and simply getting left behind.